The ALS Act, or Republic Act No. 11510, provides support to ensure that more out-of-school children (in special cases), youth and adults (OSCYA) have access to quality basic education and will be ready for higher education or work.
Department of Education’s ALS Program is a parallel non-formal learning system, for
learners that had no access to formal education. The program is based on a contextualized
version of the K to 12 basic education curriculum designed specifically to meet the learning
needs and situations of OSCYA.
A number of these OSYA who explicitly express desire to acquire basic quality education are
those who have migrated to other countries and those belonging to special cases.
Project ALSHORE shall provide options for overseas OSYA to continue their learning in senior high school, in a manner that is suitable to their preference and circumstances. It addresses the learning needs of overseas learners who need help and support in honing their capabilities to reach their full potential. It allows them to achieve their goals to become productive members of society. Thru this project, overseas learners shall have an opportunity to develop their literacy and life skills and heighten readiness for work and higher education while living/working abroad.
The main objective of ALSHORE Project is to provide overseas Filipino and revitalized students with special cases an access to basic education to acquire academic & technical competencies suitable for higher education, immediate employment and entrepreneurial undertakings thru web-based learning system.