The ALS Act, or Republic Act No. 11510, provides support to ensure that more out-of-school children (in special cases), youth and adults (OSCYA) have access to quality basic education and will be ready for higher education or work.


Department of Education’s ALS Program is a parallel non-formal learning system, for learners that had no access to formal education. The program is based on a contextualized version of the K to 12 basic education curriculum designed specifically to meet the learning needs and situations of OSCYA.

A number of these OSYA who explicitly express desire to acquire basic quality education are those who have migrated to other countries and those belonging to special cases.

Project ALSHORE shall provide options for overseas OSYA to continue their learning in senior high school, in a manner that is suitable to their preference and circumstances. It addresses the learning needs of overseas learners who need help and support in honing their capabilities to reach their full potential. It allows them to achieve their goals to become productive members of society. Thru this project, overseas learners shall have an opportunity to develop their literacy and life skills and heighten readiness for work and higher education while living/working abroad.


The main objective of ALSHORE Project is to provide overseas Filipino and revitalized students with special cases an access to basic education to acquire academic & technical competencies suitable for higher education, immediate employment and entrepreneurial undertakings thru web-based learning system.


Schools Division Superintendent

Davao del Sur


  1. Dedicate my whole team in putting into flesh the principles of Integrity, Competence and Diligence (ICD) as driving force in performing everyone’s duties and functions.
  2. Advocate and implement concrete actions to make MATATAG Agenda not only a concept to be instilled in one’s mind but a course of actions to be fulfilled in our governance level in the delivery and enhancement of curriculum, physical facilities and the welfare and well-being of learners, teachers and non-teaching personnel.
  3. Value the contributions of each employee, each internal and external stakeholder in the realization of plans, projects and activities as well as initiatives of the division, schools and learning centers.
  4. Attain the objectives of various national level programs like the national Reading Program, National Math Program and others and support and sustain its localized versions.
  5. Operationalize and sustain the initiatives and gains of the previous leadership and create other initiatives to further digital transformation pushed by the government of PBBM.
  6. Devise concrete measures and collaborate with LGUs, congress, other national government agencies and organizations, people’s organizations and private entities to address school building repair and construction.
  7. Enhance and sustain the operations of the SBM Level III schools and upon the lifting of moratorium, to continue providing technical assistance to schools to attain the targeted level of governance.
  8. Lead in the efforts in obtaining PRIME HRM Level II Accreditation ad One Quality Management System for ISO Certification of the division proper and schools.
  9. Support and sustain financial literacy and initiatives and programs and strongly encourage employees and teachers to organize and join cooperatives and government sanctioned investments particularly those from DepEd, GSIS and Pag-IBIG.
  10. Unleash the full potentials of all employees, teaching and non-teaching personnel and learners by introducing , strengthening and supporting various programs and initiatives and support further studies and skills enhancement among the teachers and non-teaching personnel and to explicitly recommend their performances for AGILA and EAGLE Awards, Metrobank, Civil Service Commission Honor Awards Program, and other award-giving bodies.
  11. Recognize and push for adoption for the entire district or division of best performance, exceptional activities, programs and projects and those that exceed to the standards set forth.